Saturday, July 31, 2010

during the midterm break

I have ate a lot and slept a lot~XD
Besides this, i have interviewed Mr.Tan Kim Hock for BIB assignment for the educational trip~
Tan Kim Hock is a well-known shop in Melaka that selling local product like dodol and other healthy product that is good for our health~Tan Kim Hock also manufactured in the following things :
>> Cookies (Coconut), Spices (Sambal), Traditional Malay Cakes (Dodol), Juices (Citrus Fruit), Medicated Nutmeg Oils, Sauces (Shrimp), Sugar (Coconut Palm), Paste (Shrimp), Citrus Fruit Products (Preserved), Pies (Pineapple), Candies (Fruits), Medicated Nutmeg Balms, Fish (Preserved), Confectioneries (Coconut Based) .....

He had teached us a lot of things, many ' ren shen dao li'~
He is really a kind and friendly man~we had chat with him for more than one hour~
He told us the things that he has experienced before and remind us that we must do good things in our daily life~
He has gave us some souvenir before we leave~what a good hearted boss that i have never seen before~hehe~^^


drink that he has treated us~a healthy drink that sold in Tan Kim Hock~
is sour and sweet taste~^^

the boss~^^~i took this picture while he explained to us about the life before that he has experienced~
He has put a lot of effort in his life and his business also and nowadays he has became a successful businessman~

the gift that he gave us~^^

article about him has put outside the shop to let the customer know the healthy product that has been sold in the shop~

P/s: i have bought myself a tissue box, cute izzit~somemore is pink color de~

pig in pink color~^^

x things that i haven't done x

1 week passed so fast, tomorrow saturday again and i feel like i doing nothing during this midterm break~OMGGG~many things haven't done yet, what's wrong with me~
T^T~wasting my time only~how i wish that i have 2 weeks for midterm break~hehe~
I must go back during semester break~miss my mum's cook very much~and my family as well~

things that i haven't done yet~damn a lot~T^T
1) BOB assignment
2) BET assignment
3) BHR assignment
4) BIB report

OMGG, many things haven't done yet but i am still relaxing here~XD
Tomorrow will hang out with my housemate~we plan to go DP and watch Inception~
Hope can go Jonker as well~XD
Hope that tomorrow will be a nice day =]
Midterm break left two more days, enjoy the rest of the holidays~
See you all after the midterm break~^^

Hope all of you have a great holidays~**


1. 你以為最酸的感覺是吃醋嗎?不是,最酸的感覺是沒權吃醋
2. 低頭要有勇氣,抬頭要有底氣。

3. 上天決定了誰是你的親戚,幸運的是在選擇朋友方面它給你留 了餘地。

4. 人生就像一杯茶,不會苦一輩子,但總會苦一陣子。

5. 傻與不傻,要看你會不會裝傻。

6. 女人用友情來拒絕愛情,男人用友情來換取愛情。

7. 幸福是可以通過學習來獲得的,儘管它不是我們的母語。

8. 不要見一個愛一個,愛的太多,你的愛就要貶值。

9. 想完全瞭解一個男人,最好別做他的戀人,而做他的朋友。

10. 朋友就是把你看透了,還能喜歡你的人。

11. 當我們搬開別人架下的絆腳石時,也許恰恰是在為自己鋪路

12. 痛苦來臨時不要總問: “ 為什麼偏偏是我? ” 因為快樂降臨時你可沒有問過這個問題。

13. 如果說我懂的道理比別人多一點,那是因為我犯的錯誤比別人 多一點。

14. 不是每句 “ 對不起 ” ,都能換來 “ 沒關係 ” 。

15. 世界上只有想不通的人,沒有走不通的路。

16. 地球是運動的,一個人不會永遠處在倒楣的位置。

17. 走的最急的是最美的景色,傷的最深的是最真的感情。

18. 在事實面前,我們的想像力越發達,後果就越不堪設想。

19. 當別人開始說你是瘋子的時候,你離成功就不遠了 ……

20. 你永遠看不見我眼裡的淚,因為你不在時我才會哭泣。

21. 時間就像一張網,你撒在哪裡,你的收穫就在哪裡。

22. 如果我能夠看到自己的背影,我想它一定很憂傷,因為我把快 樂都留在了前面。

23. 理想和現實總是有差距的,幸好還有差距,不然,誰還稀罕理 想?

24. 說有上輩子的人是在騙自己;說有下輩子的人是在騙別人。

25. 任何人都可以變得狠毒,只要你嘗試過嫉妒。

26. 常常告誡自己不要在一棵樹上吊死,結果 …… 在樹林裡迷路了。

27. 愛情就像攥在手裡的沙子,攥的越緊,流失的越快。

28. 人生有兩大悲劇:一個是得不到想要的東西,另一個是得到了 不想要的東西。

29. 成熟不是心變老,而是眼淚在眼裡打轉卻還保持微笑。

30. 問候不一定要鄭重其事,但一定要真誠感人。

31. 做與不做的最大區別是:後者擁有對前者的評論權。

32. 人,長得漂亮不如活的漂亮。

33. 有些事,明知是錯的,也要去堅持,因為不甘心;有些人,明 知是愛的,也要去放棄,因為沒有結局;有時候,明知沒路了, 卻還在前進,因為習慣了。

34. 同樣的一瓶飲料,便利店裡 2 塊錢,五星飯店裡 60 塊,很多的時候,一個人的價值取決於所在的位置。

35. 每個人出生的時候都是原創,可悲的是很多人漸漸都成了盜版。

36. 真壞人並不可怕,可怕的是假好人。

37. 浪漫是一襲美麗的晚禮服,但你不能一天到晚都穿著它。

38. 把一切平凡的事做好即不平凡,把一切簡單的事做好即不簡單。

39. 把不忙不閑的工作做的出色,把不鹹不淡的生活過得精彩。

40. 情侶間最矛盾的地方就是幻想彼此的未來,卻惦記著對方的過 去。

41. 忙碌是一種幸福,讓我們沒時間體會痛苦;奔波是一種快樂, 讓我們真實地感受生活;疲憊是一種享受,讓我們無暇空虛。

42. 理想很豐滿,現實很骨感。

43. 女人吻男人是一種幸福,男人吻女人是一種口福。

44. 愛情永遠比婚姻聖潔,婚姻永遠比愛情實惠。

45. 探索的旅程不在於發現新大陸,而在於培養新視角。

46. 一個人能走多遠,要看他有誰同行;一個人有多優秀,要看他 有誰指點;一個人有多成功,要看他有誰相伴。

47. 歎氣是最浪費時間的事情,哭泣是最浪費力氣的行徑。

48. 不是人人都能活的低調,可以低調的基礎是隨時都能高調。

49. 談戀愛就像剝洋蔥,總有一層會讓你流淚。

50. 年輕時候,拍下許多照片,擺在客廳給別人看;等到老了,才 明白照片是拍給自己看的。

51. 就算不快樂也不要皺眉,因為你永遠不知道誰會愛上你的笑容。

52. 當大部分人都在關注你飛的高不高時,只有少部分人關心你飛 的累不累,這就是友情。

53. 絕口不提不是因為忘記,而是因為銘記。

54. 讓未來到來,讓過去過去。

55. 微小的幸福就在身邊,容易滿足就是天堂。

56. 成功有個副作用,就是以為過去的做法同樣適應於將來。

57. 天使之所以會飛,是因為她們把自己看得很輕 ……

58. 試金可以用火,試女人可以用金,試男人可以用女人。

59. 喜歡一個人,就是在一起很開心;愛一個人,就是即使不開心, 也想在一起。

60. 幽默就是一個人想哭的時候還有笑的興致。

61. 咖啡苦與甜,不在於怎麼攪拌,而在於是否放糖;一段傷痛, 不在於怎麼忘記,而在於是否有勇氣重新開 始。

62. 人之所以活得累,是因為放不下架子,撕不開面子,解不開情 節。

63. 漂亮只能為別人提供眼福,卻不一定換到幸福。

64. 美麗讓男人停下,智慧讓男人留下。

65. 人生最精彩的不是實現夢想的瞬間,而是堅持夢想的過程。

66. 人生的冷暖取決於心靈的溫度。

67. 如果你為自己定的所有目標都已達到,那麼說明你定的目標還 不夠遠大。

68. 生活可以將就,生活也可以講究。

69. 女人的眼淚是沒用的液體,但你讓女人流淚說明你很沒用。

70. 忍無可忍,就重新再忍。

71. 睡覺說明明天還要起來。

72. 付出真心,才會得到真心,卻可能傷的徹底;保持距離,才能 保護自己,卻註定永遠寂寞。

73. 讓夢想成真的最好辦法就是醒來。

74. 說真話的最大好處就是你不必記得你都說些什麼。

75. 有時候,不是對方不在乎你,而是你把對方看的太重。

76. 廢話是人際關係的第一句
~copy from facebook~^^

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My recent life

First time cooked spaghetti with tomato sauce~

tomato sauce with hotdog and meat~

Campbell's mushroom soup, i like it !!!

cook spaghetti using rice cooker~

hotdog and meat~

first time ate happy meal at McD~


luowei with happy meal~

yeah~have free toy~xD

cfc's turn~

our free toys~^^

first time ate KFC as lunch while doing BIN assignment~

chezzy wedges~

dinner plate~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

yummy dinner

Today just finished my BEC midterm, started at 2.30pm and ended up at 4pm~
This was my second midterm in this sem~i am not so confidence in the MCQ part, the question is confusing @___@~and for the structured part, i think ok abit~
After the midterm, we chat at the exam hall outside till 5 smth, so long,haha~
Then we had our dinner at天晶海鲜酒楼,haha~the food there is quite nice and the price is affordable and reasonable~^^~
We have ordered a normal fried vegetables, a seaweed soup with eggs, sweet sour pork and a famous tofu there~Total cost is RM44 and we have to divide by 6, each of us have to pay RM 7.30~
Ate till full and the soup is nice~inside have mushroom and other things~nice to drink~after ate, we went pasar malam since the restaurant is near to the pasar malam~We walked for awhile and i have bought few oranges and 2 corn egg tart~
After that, i went for the IB event meeting until 10 smth~
After the meeting finished, i went to su ling house to prepare the ingredients that needed tomorrow~we start to sell pancakes tomorrow~^^
Hope tomorrow will be a nice day =)

seaweed soup~^^

sweet sour pork~

the famous tofu there~

vegetables good for health~

long time didn't drink soup already~T^T~i miss my mum's cook~

nice dinner~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

US Pizza

Just had my dinner at US Pizza with Yanti, CFC and Luowei~It was my second time went there~the environment there quite good and the pizza there also not bad~>.<
 yummy yummy~D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S~
We have ordered two regular pizza since it having discount on every Tuesday, two regular pizza costs RM29.90 and it have 16 pieces, 8 pieces each~and each of us can eat 4 pieces,hehe~^^The pizzas that we have ordered are Bolognese chicken and the other one is tuna one, i prefer the tuna one~nice~
For the drinks, we chose the Pitcher of Ice Lemon Tea~RM 8.95~
Total cost is RM 40.80~each of us have to pay RM 10.20~
p/s : we finished ate the cheese powder that we have taken~satisfied~^^

 zha po no1 and zha po no2~hehe~^^


dun touch my cheese powder~LOL~


yeah~we like cheeseee~

look nice~

left 4~


after~i like the cheese powder there~^^
The cheese powder is FOC~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bon Odori 2010

       Just went back from KL~Went to Mid Valley and also Stadium Panasonic~
Bon Odori is one of a Japanese Festival~
Many japanese foods were sold at there~
This year had around 10000 people have attended this festival~
It was fun since many people celebrated this festival together~
It was my second time went to Bon Odori~^^
I like to dance together with the people, i like the foods there and the atmosphere as well~


took photo with Yakult mascot~

      many people there~this year had around 10000 people went to Bon Odori~

i like the green tea ice-cream~


curry fish balls~

there were many foods stall that selling japanese foods during that day~
the people are busy to sell the food~

japanese hot dog i think~

variety of japanese foods there~

normally the people will sit on the grass and enjoy their food like having a picnic~

there were many people~u have to queue up if wan to buy food~

Stadium Panasonic~

Saturday, July 31, 2010

during the midterm break

I have ate a lot and slept a lot~XD
Besides this, i have interviewed Mr.Tan Kim Hock for BIB assignment for the educational trip~
Tan Kim Hock is a well-known shop in Melaka that selling local product like dodol and other healthy product that is good for our health~Tan Kim Hock also manufactured in the following things :
>> Cookies (Coconut), Spices (Sambal), Traditional Malay Cakes (Dodol), Juices (Citrus Fruit), Medicated Nutmeg Oils, Sauces (Shrimp), Sugar (Coconut Palm), Paste (Shrimp), Citrus Fruit Products (Preserved), Pies (Pineapple), Candies (Fruits), Medicated Nutmeg Balms, Fish (Preserved), Confectioneries (Coconut Based) .....

He had teached us a lot of things, many ' ren shen dao li'~
He is really a kind and friendly man~we had chat with him for more than one hour~
He told us the things that he has experienced before and remind us that we must do good things in our daily life~
He has gave us some souvenir before we leave~what a good hearted boss that i have never seen before~hehe~^^


drink that he has treated us~a healthy drink that sold in Tan Kim Hock~
is sour and sweet taste~^^

the boss~^^~i took this picture while he explained to us about the life before that he has experienced~
He has put a lot of effort in his life and his business also and nowadays he has became a successful businessman~

the gift that he gave us~^^

article about him has put outside the shop to let the customer know the healthy product that has been sold in the shop~

P/s: i have bought myself a tissue box, cute izzit~somemore is pink color de~

pig in pink color~^^

x things that i haven't done x

1 week passed so fast, tomorrow saturday again and i feel like i doing nothing during this midterm break~OMGGG~many things haven't done yet, what's wrong with me~
T^T~wasting my time only~how i wish that i have 2 weeks for midterm break~hehe~
I must go back during semester break~miss my mum's cook very much~and my family as well~

things that i haven't done yet~damn a lot~T^T
1) BOB assignment
2) BET assignment
3) BHR assignment
4) BIB report

OMGG, many things haven't done yet but i am still relaxing here~XD
Tomorrow will hang out with my housemate~we plan to go DP and watch Inception~
Hope can go Jonker as well~XD
Hope that tomorrow will be a nice day =]
Midterm break left two more days, enjoy the rest of the holidays~
See you all after the midterm break~^^

Hope all of you have a great holidays~**


1. 你以為最酸的感覺是吃醋嗎?不是,最酸的感覺是沒權吃醋
2. 低頭要有勇氣,抬頭要有底氣。

3. 上天決定了誰是你的親戚,幸運的是在選擇朋友方面它給你留 了餘地。

4. 人生就像一杯茶,不會苦一輩子,但總會苦一陣子。

5. 傻與不傻,要看你會不會裝傻。

6. 女人用友情來拒絕愛情,男人用友情來換取愛情。

7. 幸福是可以通過學習來獲得的,儘管它不是我們的母語。

8. 不要見一個愛一個,愛的太多,你的愛就要貶值。

9. 想完全瞭解一個男人,最好別做他的戀人,而做他的朋友。

10. 朋友就是把你看透了,還能喜歡你的人。

11. 當我們搬開別人架下的絆腳石時,也許恰恰是在為自己鋪路

12. 痛苦來臨時不要總問: “ 為什麼偏偏是我? ” 因為快樂降臨時你可沒有問過這個問題。

13. 如果說我懂的道理比別人多一點,那是因為我犯的錯誤比別人 多一點。

14. 不是每句 “ 對不起 ” ,都能換來 “ 沒關係 ” 。

15. 世界上只有想不通的人,沒有走不通的路。

16. 地球是運動的,一個人不會永遠處在倒楣的位置。

17. 走的最急的是最美的景色,傷的最深的是最真的感情。

18. 在事實面前,我們的想像力越發達,後果就越不堪設想。

19. 當別人開始說你是瘋子的時候,你離成功就不遠了 ……

20. 你永遠看不見我眼裡的淚,因為你不在時我才會哭泣。

21. 時間就像一張網,你撒在哪裡,你的收穫就在哪裡。

22. 如果我能夠看到自己的背影,我想它一定很憂傷,因為我把快 樂都留在了前面。

23. 理想和現實總是有差距的,幸好還有差距,不然,誰還稀罕理 想?

24. 說有上輩子的人是在騙自己;說有下輩子的人是在騙別人。

25. 任何人都可以變得狠毒,只要你嘗試過嫉妒。

26. 常常告誡自己不要在一棵樹上吊死,結果 …… 在樹林裡迷路了。

27. 愛情就像攥在手裡的沙子,攥的越緊,流失的越快。

28. 人生有兩大悲劇:一個是得不到想要的東西,另一個是得到了 不想要的東西。

29. 成熟不是心變老,而是眼淚在眼裡打轉卻還保持微笑。

30. 問候不一定要鄭重其事,但一定要真誠感人。

31. 做與不做的最大區別是:後者擁有對前者的評論權。

32. 人,長得漂亮不如活的漂亮。

33. 有些事,明知是錯的,也要去堅持,因為不甘心;有些人,明 知是愛的,也要去放棄,因為沒有結局;有時候,明知沒路了, 卻還在前進,因為習慣了。

34. 同樣的一瓶飲料,便利店裡 2 塊錢,五星飯店裡 60 塊,很多的時候,一個人的價值取決於所在的位置。

35. 每個人出生的時候都是原創,可悲的是很多人漸漸都成了盜版。

36. 真壞人並不可怕,可怕的是假好人。

37. 浪漫是一襲美麗的晚禮服,但你不能一天到晚都穿著它。

38. 把一切平凡的事做好即不平凡,把一切簡單的事做好即不簡單。

39. 把不忙不閑的工作做的出色,把不鹹不淡的生活過得精彩。

40. 情侶間最矛盾的地方就是幻想彼此的未來,卻惦記著對方的過 去。

41. 忙碌是一種幸福,讓我們沒時間體會痛苦;奔波是一種快樂, 讓我們真實地感受生活;疲憊是一種享受,讓我們無暇空虛。

42. 理想很豐滿,現實很骨感。

43. 女人吻男人是一種幸福,男人吻女人是一種口福。

44. 愛情永遠比婚姻聖潔,婚姻永遠比愛情實惠。

45. 探索的旅程不在於發現新大陸,而在於培養新視角。

46. 一個人能走多遠,要看他有誰同行;一個人有多優秀,要看他 有誰指點;一個人有多成功,要看他有誰相伴。

47. 歎氣是最浪費時間的事情,哭泣是最浪費力氣的行徑。

48. 不是人人都能活的低調,可以低調的基礎是隨時都能高調。

49. 談戀愛就像剝洋蔥,總有一層會讓你流淚。

50. 年輕時候,拍下許多照片,擺在客廳給別人看;等到老了,才 明白照片是拍給自己看的。

51. 就算不快樂也不要皺眉,因為你永遠不知道誰會愛上你的笑容。

52. 當大部分人都在關注你飛的高不高時,只有少部分人關心你飛 的累不累,這就是友情。

53. 絕口不提不是因為忘記,而是因為銘記。

54. 讓未來到來,讓過去過去。

55. 微小的幸福就在身邊,容易滿足就是天堂。

56. 成功有個副作用,就是以為過去的做法同樣適應於將來。

57. 天使之所以會飛,是因為她們把自己看得很輕 ……

58. 試金可以用火,試女人可以用金,試男人可以用女人。

59. 喜歡一個人,就是在一起很開心;愛一個人,就是即使不開心, 也想在一起。

60. 幽默就是一個人想哭的時候還有笑的興致。

61. 咖啡苦與甜,不在於怎麼攪拌,而在於是否放糖;一段傷痛, 不在於怎麼忘記,而在於是否有勇氣重新開 始。

62. 人之所以活得累,是因為放不下架子,撕不開面子,解不開情 節。

63. 漂亮只能為別人提供眼福,卻不一定換到幸福。

64. 美麗讓男人停下,智慧讓男人留下。

65. 人生最精彩的不是實現夢想的瞬間,而是堅持夢想的過程。

66. 人生的冷暖取決於心靈的溫度。

67. 如果你為自己定的所有目標都已達到,那麼說明你定的目標還 不夠遠大。

68. 生活可以將就,生活也可以講究。

69. 女人的眼淚是沒用的液體,但你讓女人流淚說明你很沒用。

70. 忍無可忍,就重新再忍。

71. 睡覺說明明天還要起來。

72. 付出真心,才會得到真心,卻可能傷的徹底;保持距離,才能 保護自己,卻註定永遠寂寞。

73. 讓夢想成真的最好辦法就是醒來。

74. 說真話的最大好處就是你不必記得你都說些什麼。

75. 有時候,不是對方不在乎你,而是你把對方看的太重。

76. 廢話是人際關係的第一句
~copy from facebook~^^

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My recent life

First time cooked spaghetti with tomato sauce~

tomato sauce with hotdog and meat~

Campbell's mushroom soup, i like it !!!

cook spaghetti using rice cooker~

hotdog and meat~

first time ate happy meal at McD~


luowei with happy meal~

yeah~have free toy~xD

cfc's turn~

our free toys~^^

first time ate KFC as lunch while doing BIN assignment~

chezzy wedges~

dinner plate~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

yummy dinner

Today just finished my BEC midterm, started at 2.30pm and ended up at 4pm~
This was my second midterm in this sem~i am not so confidence in the MCQ part, the question is confusing @___@~and for the structured part, i think ok abit~
After the midterm, we chat at the exam hall outside till 5 smth, so long,haha~
Then we had our dinner at天晶海鲜酒楼,haha~the food there is quite nice and the price is affordable and reasonable~^^~
We have ordered a normal fried vegetables, a seaweed soup with eggs, sweet sour pork and a famous tofu there~Total cost is RM44 and we have to divide by 6, each of us have to pay RM 7.30~
Ate till full and the soup is nice~inside have mushroom and other things~nice to drink~after ate, we went pasar malam since the restaurant is near to the pasar malam~We walked for awhile and i have bought few oranges and 2 corn egg tart~
After that, i went for the IB event meeting until 10 smth~
After the meeting finished, i went to su ling house to prepare the ingredients that needed tomorrow~we start to sell pancakes tomorrow~^^
Hope tomorrow will be a nice day =)

seaweed soup~^^

sweet sour pork~

the famous tofu there~

vegetables good for health~

long time didn't drink soup already~T^T~i miss my mum's cook~

nice dinner~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

US Pizza

Just had my dinner at US Pizza with Yanti, CFC and Luowei~It was my second time went there~the environment there quite good and the pizza there also not bad~>.<
 yummy yummy~D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S~
We have ordered two regular pizza since it having discount on every Tuesday, two regular pizza costs RM29.90 and it have 16 pieces, 8 pieces each~and each of us can eat 4 pieces,hehe~^^The pizzas that we have ordered are Bolognese chicken and the other one is tuna one, i prefer the tuna one~nice~
For the drinks, we chose the Pitcher of Ice Lemon Tea~RM 8.95~
Total cost is RM 40.80~each of us have to pay RM 10.20~
p/s : we finished ate the cheese powder that we have taken~satisfied~^^

 zha po no1 and zha po no2~hehe~^^


dun touch my cheese powder~LOL~


yeah~we like cheeseee~

look nice~

left 4~


after~i like the cheese powder there~^^
The cheese powder is FOC~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bon Odori 2010

       Just went back from KL~Went to Mid Valley and also Stadium Panasonic~
Bon Odori is one of a Japanese Festival~
Many japanese foods were sold at there~
This year had around 10000 people have attended this festival~
It was fun since many people celebrated this festival together~
It was my second time went to Bon Odori~^^
I like to dance together with the people, i like the foods there and the atmosphere as well~


took photo with Yakult mascot~

      many people there~this year had around 10000 people went to Bon Odori~

i like the green tea ice-cream~


curry fish balls~

there were many foods stall that selling japanese foods during that day~
the people are busy to sell the food~

japanese hot dog i think~

variety of japanese foods there~

normally the people will sit on the grass and enjoy their food like having a picnic~

there were many people~u have to queue up if wan to buy food~

Stadium Panasonic~